Evenement: Panelgesprek Janice Deul – Read My World (Amsterdam)

16 september 2023 van 21:00 t/m 21:50

Writers and activists Azieb Pool, Janice Deul and Mojdeh Feili explore why protest matters in our societies, and what ideas, emotions and actions are inseperatble from it.

Protest is urgent and necessary, but does everyone think so? In a recent tweet in response to UK government’s bans on protest, journalist George Monbiot talked about the importance of protest as a “bedrock of democracy”, saying that “good citizenship is hand in glove with protest, you cannot separate the two things”. At the same time, anti-government protests were also happening in different parts of the world: in France, in Nigeria, in Kenya, in Turkey, in Iran… some with little to no coverage in the Dutch media. Can we make connections between the protests happening across different geographies, the reasons why they happen, the tools we all use to express discontent towards our governments or systems in which we live? Can and should we connect our experiences?

To dive deep into this urgent topic, we ask Azieb Pool, Janice Deul and Mojdeh Feili, activists and writers among many other things, what is hand in glove with protest to them? A question we will also extend to you, in the audience and will invite you to share your response(s) either by writing on the cardboards we will leave across the room or handing you the mic. There will be no moderation, but a collective experience of listening and sharing, in the hope that we will all leave the room inspired to protest more for a world we can all live in with dignity.

More information and tickets: https://readmyworld.nl/en/programma/dag/saturday/protest/

Location: Tolhuistuin, Amsterdam

Keti Koti

Keti Koti

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