Addicted to love

the path to self-acceptance and happiness in relationships

Auteur: Jan Geurtz
Addicted to love - cover
Addicted to love - achterkant

In Addicted to Love, Jan Geurtz clearly demonstrates how our search for love and approval stems from a fundamental self-rejection. We try to compensate for this by seeking other people's appreciation. But this is counterproductive: it actually makes us more insecure and therefore increasingly dependent. This creates an addiction to love, approval and the security of a relationship. As a result, most romantic relationships eventually fail, or - perhaps even worse - are reduced to dreary co-existence with little room for growth and happiness.

With humour and practical examples, Jan Geurtz shows a way out of this vicious circle. Once we have let go of self-rejection, we find that our painful emotions, and also our sexual desires, are the gateway to a state of being that is completely free of restriction and dependence, and is filled with love and clarity - with or without a relationship.

Jan Geurtz has written several books on addictions, including the bestseller Quit Smoking in One Day. He studied remedial pedagogy, education sciences and philosophy of science, and is inspired by Buddhism.

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Over de auteur

Jan Geurtz

Jan Geurtz

Jan Geurtz (1950) is een Nederlandse schrijver. Hij studeerde orthopedagogiek, onderwijskunde en wetenschapsfilosofie en heeft daarna gewerkt in de verslavingszorg. Jan Geurtz laat zich vooral inspireren door het boeddhisme. Van zijn hand verschenen meerdere bestsellers, waaronder Verslaafd aan liefde, waarvan meer dan 125.000 exemplaren werden verkocht.

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  • Taal: Engels
  • ISBN: 9789026337406
  • Pagina's: 224 pagina's
  • Vertaler: Janet Taylor

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In Addicted to Love, Jan Geurtz clearly demonstrates how our search for love and approval stems from a fundamental self-rejection. We try to compensate for this by seeking other people's appreciation. But this is counterproductive: it actually makes us more insecure and therefore increasingly dependent. This creates an addiction to love, approval and the security of a relationship. As a result, most romantic relationships eventually fail, or - perhaps even worse - are reduced to dreary co-existence with little room for growth and happiness.

With humour and practical examples, Jan Geurtz shows a way out of this vicious circle. Once we have let go of self-rejection, we find that our painful emotions, and also our sexual desires, are the gateway to a state of being that is completely free of restriction and dependence, and is filled with love and clarity - with or without a relationship.

Jan Geurtz has written several books on addictions, including the bestseller Quit Smoking in One Day. He studied remedial pedagogy, education sciences and philosophy of science, and is inspired by Buddhism.